Eggplant Companion Plants

Eggplant Companion Plants: 10 Best Plants To Grow With Eggplant

What can I plant near eggplant? Eggplant belongs to the nightshade family and it is a great companion plant to many garden crops.

Eggplant is a warm-weather crop that has a long growing season and one of the reasons gardeners love it is the variety of size, colors, and shapes it comes in. Just like every other crop in the garden, eggplants thrive when planted with some specific crops.

Eggplants with their deep purple hue are not only enjoyed in dishes but can also be used to deter pests in the garden. If you are into indoor grilling then eggplant is a crop you want in your garden.

Companion planting is a gardening process that is as old as gardening itself. This basically involves placing plants that support and encourage the growth of each other together. Eggplants are healthy organically grown foods gardeners always have planted in their gardens.

10 Best Plants To Grow With Eggplant

Eggplants might be great with companion plants but keep in mind that they are high maintenance plants and not only does it require lots of sunshine but needs additional nutrients different from what it will be getting from the soil. But companion planting with some certain plants can help stimulate growth and increase yield.

1. Nightshades

Other members of the nightshade family such as tomatoes, peppers, and potatoes are said to be great companions to eggplants. This belongs to the same nightshade family as potatoes and they require share similar growth requirements without competing with each other. Peppers can help keep bugs away from eggplants and watch out for the type of varieties of nightshades to plant near eggplants.

2. Broccoli

Fresh raw organic broccoli
Image: Envato Elements

Broccoli can be really beneficial to eggplants. Eggplants are heavy feeders which means they require lots of nutrients to thrive. Broccoli planted near eggplants can impact nutrients into the soil to help eggplants derive some.

3. Nasturtiums

If you are in search of the best flower to grow near eggplants, you should choose nasturtiums. These are attractive flowers that help deter aphids. Gardeners plant these flowers a short distance away from garden vegetables to help draw aphids away.

4. Borage

Borage can help deter pest worms that can be damaged away from your eggplants while also attracting beneficial insects to them.

5. Pole Beans

Pole beans are great for your eggplants, they leach additional nitrogen into the surrounding soil for eggplants to thrive.

6. Rosemary

Rosemary Companion Plants
Image: Envato Elements

Another great companion plant for your eggplants is rosemary herbs. They are used in repelling Colorado potato beetles which is a great deterrent to eggplants. The best choice of herbs is the strongly scented ones and they can help improve the flavor of eggplants as well.

7. Spinach

Eggplants will grow just fine planted alongside spinach. Although there is no record of benefits both and to gain from each other. They are regarded as compatible and won’t transfer any known pests or pathogens to each other.

8. Radish

Radishes attract flea beetles and just like nasturtiums, they can be used as a trap crop. To eradicate flea beetles from your garden, they can be planted at a safe distance but if you are not accustomed to the trap crop method then this is not advised.

9. Oregano

Eggplant Companion Plants

Oregano is one of the best plants for any garden crop. Planting them near eggplants can help repel aphids, spider mites, and cabbage moths. It also attracts beneficial pollinators such as honey bees and ladybugs.

10. Mints

Mints are great companions to eggplants. They help in repelling pests and keeping them away. The best mints to have grown near eggplants include winter mints, peppermint, and spearmints. These are easy to grow and can also help keep bugs away from your eggplants.

What Not To Plant With Eggplants

Eggplants happen to be one of the most beautiful vegetable garden crops but improper planning can cause it to turn out bad. So, to stay on the safe side of things, companion planting is important. After knowing some of the best plants to grow near eggplants, here are few ones you shouldn’t avoid planting near it.

1. Corn

Corn is not a friendly plant to have near eggplants. It may stunt the growth and attract negative insects to eggplants.

2. Fennel

Another crop that is going to stunt the growth of eggplants when planted together is fennel. Fennel will increase eggplant’s competition for nutrients and it is also not a companion to any garden food plant.

3. Geraniums

These plants are great as insect repellents for some crops and are often recommended for eggplants. But they are also hosts to diseases that can easily be passed on to eggplants.


Are eggplants easy to grow?

Eggplants will be considered very easy to plant if not eggplant flea beetles which they are often prone to. However, there are some varieties of eggplants that are fairly easy to grow such as large oval eggplants, white eggplants, and elongated eggplants.

Why is my eggplant not fruiting?

Eggplants might stop fruiting if they are stressed. Its blossoms are going to dry out and drop off without producing any fruits. Another reason is if they are sensitive to temperature. Too hot might cause eggplants not to fruit.

Do eggplants need support?

Absolutely, eggplants need support to thrive. It is best to stake eggplants to keep them from touching the ground. Supporting eggplants can also reduce the risks of diseases especially for elongated eggplants.

Do eggplants need full sun?

Yes, eggplants need full sun but that doesn’t mean they can’t be planted in partial shade as well. Ample sunlight provides it with energy and this leads to large fruit production.

Is coffee grounds good for eggplant?

Used coffee grounds work as fertilizer for eggplants. They are rich in nitrogen, potassium, and magnesium.

Should you water eggplant everyday?

If the climate is hot then you should have your young eggplants watered twice a week with depths of 12 inches. But larger and cooler climates mean it should be watered infrequently as eggplants hate standing water.

How do you increase eggplant yield?

To increase the yield of eggplants and make them grow faster, gardeners advice laying black plastic cover over the garden soil before planting or mulching the eggplants with dark compost. This makes the soil warm and eggplants thrive in that.

Will eggplant survive the winter?

Eggplants are warm-season vegetables and they are sure to slow down when the temperature drops.

How tall do eggplant plants get?

The better you treat eggplants, the taller they get to be. Eggplants are considered to grow 24 to 36 inches tall. Although this also depends on the variety.


Eggplants are not really that difficult to grow provided you give them the right growing requirements. They grow best in a well-drained sandy loam or loam soil and they require a moderate amount of fertilizer. Companion planting with eggplants will not only help deter harmful pests but also a way for them to get additional nitrogen.