One of the major issues every gardener faces, one time or the other is the choice of location for each plant. It would be so easy if one can plant them by their color, purpose, or active ingredients and care for them in such a way, together. But it doesn’t work that way. Each plant comes with its care routine and you can only group them according to this(if you want to).
This means if you even want to plant by group, the ideal way to group them is according to their care.
Sun, for some plants, can be damaging and for some, can be great. An example of this is oregano. There are different types of oregano, some of these are; Syrian oregano, golden oregano, greek oregano, Italian oregano, Cuban oregano, Mexican oregano, all of these types of oregano can be planted and grow well in sun, except one.
That is golden oregano, golden oregano is best planted in a shady environment.
Table of Contents
Vegetables That Grow Well In The Sun
Some plants are labeled heat tolerant, these plants grow well in full sun and they require a minimum of 6 hours of sunlight daily. Some of them are listed below.
Vegetables That Grow Well In The Sun | Plants That Don’t Like Sun |
1. Okra | 1. Mustard Green |
2. Tomato | 2. Peas |
3. Eggplant | 3. Broccoli |
4. Cucumber | 4. Spinach |
5. Corn | 5. Turnip |
6. Watermelon | 6. Chives |
7. Pepper | 7. Radish |
8. Sweet Potato | 8. Garlic |
9. Strawberry | 9. Mint |
10. Pumpkin | 10. Sorrel |
1. Okra
Okra is one of the vegetables known to be heat tolerant. It is a warm-season plant, it is adaptable and can be grown in various types of soil as long as it is in full sun; okra requires a minimum of 8 hours of sun per day. Regular watering is however required, but be sure not to overwater your okra, at least 1 inch of water every week. Okra is a great source of vitamin A and can be used for various dishes.
For a great yield, you can plant your okra in the spring.
2. Tomato

Tomato is one of the best sun-loving vegetables, a tomato plant requires at least 8 hours of direct sunlight every day to grow well. They can be planted on the ground or in a container, anywhere, as long as it receives enough direct sunlight and enough space. Filling your soil with organic matter before planting your tomato will increase the nutrients. Tomato requires some amount of watering too. Not watering your tomatoes can lead to death or stunted growth.
3. Pumpkin
Pumpkin is another annual, sun-loving, heat-tolerant vegetable, pumpkin grows well with 8-10 hours of direct sunlight. Growing pumpkin in a shade or an environment with less sunlight may result in slow growth. Due to the nature of its vine, it requires a lot of space. However, like the okra, it requires an amount of water to grow well, it can be watered once a week, but be careful of over-watering or under-watering. It grows best in well fertile soil with organic matters. Pumpkin is used best for different dishes.
4. Eggplant
Eggplant is a perennial vegetable but often treated as an annual, growing eggplant in a cold-weather can make growth slow, making them a sun-loving vegetable, eggplant loves direct access to full sun, with a minimum of 8 hours per day. They can be planted from a cutting and are best grown on a raised bed. They also do well with rich, well-drained soil with a pH of about 5.8 – 6.5. Eggplants do not like water, therefore, watering should be less.
5. Cucumber
The cucumber is a sun-loving vegetable, because of its tenderness, it requires only about 5hours of direct sunlight. It also requires frequent watering. Your cucumber may begin to wilt during high heat and the windy season. Watering deep can help revive and protect your cucumber, also make sure you’re wetting the base of the cucumber.
6. Corn
Corn is an annual sun-loving vegetable, it requires a minimum of 6 hours of direct sunlight daily and will not grow well or have slow growth in a shaded environment. Watering of your corn should be frequent too, however, be careful not to overwater your corn as this can affect its growth. 1 inch of water weekly should be fine for your corn. Corn doesn’t do well with cuttings, so it is best raised from seed.
7. Watermelon

Watermelon is an annual, heat-tolerant vegetable, it requires direct access to full sun to grow properly; about 8-10 hours. Lack of proper sun may affect the flavor produced. It grows best in well-drained and moist soil. Insects like bees help with Pollination. Watermelon requires a lot of space while growing.
8. Pepper
Pepper is a sun-loving vegetable, it is best to grow your pepper in the sunniest part of your garden, for better growth and color, preferably, where it can get about 8 hours of sunlight. Like most plants, pepper requires water and should be watered regularly. They are best grown from seed.
9. Sweet potato
These are some of the best heat-tolerant vegetables. They grow best in warm soil and air. They require well-drained soil and about 8-10 direct sunlight for better growth. Although they thrive in dry soil, it is best to water them with 1-2 inches of water per week to keep the soil moist. Try not to over-water.
10. Strawberry
Strawberries are sun-loving and require a minimum of 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily to grow properly. They grow best in well-drained, high in organic matter soil. They require about 1-2 inches of water weekly especially when they’re bearing fruits.
Knowing the level of sun your plant requires is very important. Sun, water, and air are important to the growth of a plant, regardless of what amount and what time of the day it is gotten.